The ELIOS Lab is a research group working on pervasive electronic system applications in different domains, especially Intelligent Transportation Systems and Games. A major focus is in Internet of Things, Edge and Cloud Computing, Database Management and Tiny Machine Learning. In these fields, the ELIOS Lab has participated in a number of industrial research projects at international and national level.
Intelligent Transportation Systems
The ELIOS Lab has partecipated in several EU projects, where it has developed Machine Learning models for Perception and Autonomous Decision Making, Advanced Human-Machine Interaction, Vision Systems, Safety System Models, and Serious Games for improving the driver behaviour.
Internet of Things
The ELIOS Lab is developing microcontroller-based solutions processing, also through Tiny Machine Learning algorithms, information from a variety of sensors, and making it available on the Cloud, according to the Edge-Computing paradigm.
Serious Games Technology
The ELIOS Lab has designed and implemented Serious Games and enabling technologies for gaming and learning. The Lab was the coordinator of Games and Learning Alliance (Gala) EU Network of Excellence (2010-2014) and the founder of the Serious Games Society, the international cultural association aimed at supporting research and development on Serious Games.